Wireless Speech Recognition ..

Speech recognition is now primarily wireless; We've migrated fast, to universal wireless access-communcation devices.

Often, the speech recognition is remote based - And the better signal we send it, the better it performs.

Here, we hope you'll find ideas, technology or projects using hands free and/or mobile devices to make wireless speech recognition a rewarding and useful universal tool!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Speak, Speak.. Shoot and Kill !l


 Good news for both speech recognition and virtual gun enthusiasts: “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2″ will be released this week. The game, according to a Gamepro.com review, casts players as a “highly trained anti-terrorist specialist who roams around with his squadmates, picking off evildoers with an impressive array of firepower.”

 Fonix provides the speech technology that fuels the game’s voice command system — one of a handful of companies involved in the gaming vertical market.

 Datamonitor analyst Daniel Hong says speech recognition will continue its upswing in gaming, because a) Headsets are standard features for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, and b) Far more powerful recent CPU's that can handle the cpu-hoggish speech interfaces.
"User interface [UI] design is paramount in gaming," Hong says. "Speech recognition provides differentiation and opens up UI choices for the gamer."


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