Google is now utilizing speech recognition indexing of the spoken audio in videos! Users you can search for spoken text in a video, but for now, only in selected videos only (Political Videos).

Check out the new feature by adding the Google Election Video Search
Gadget to your iGoogle page, or view the gadget on their as a standalone page. The gadget works by adding little yellow markers to the timeline letting you know where the word occurs.
Google isn't the first site to combine speech recognition with video search. Blinkx and EveryZing offer the services; But now that the 800 pound gorilla has entered the online video spoken audio search world - look for this market to evolve quickly, and our bet is on Google for leading the pack,
of course.
Labels: automated speech recognition, Google, indexing of pre-recorded spoken audio, indexing videos, Ivoxx Muso, natural language recognition, speaker-independent speech recognition